Friday, April 22, 2011

Journey to the Cross

Today is Good Friday. What does this day mean to you? What does it mean to most people?

This is what Good Friday means to me.....

Pretty heavy stuff. Praise God for sending His Son Jesus to die a death not deserved! He did it to pay my debt of sin that I owed, but couldn't pay. You can't pay the debt you owe, either. And we all owe a debt because we sin.

This is the message that I shared tonight at Journey to the Cross, an interactive walk and "tour" through Jerusalem as it would have been the week Jesus died. (The week we now refer to as "Holy Week" - Palm Sunday through Easter Sunday.)

Here is a photo of most of the cast from tonight.

This is my Dad. He was the Centurion who stood at the cross and told the story of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. If there had been voting, he would have won for best dressed and for best story. He was great! I was the character at the stop on the tour after his, and many people came to my stop very emotional. It was a very realistic portrayal.

As we celebrate this holiday weekend, remember that it's more than just another "holiday" with time off of school and work. Jesus died... but then HE AROSE! Jesus isn't dead! He lives! That's something to celebrate on Easter!

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