Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Knowledge is Power

What do you know? I'm not asking that as a prerequisite to announcing something big. Seriously. What do you know? How much knowledge do you posses?

I like knowledge. I like knowing things, knowing facts. Random facts are fun to know, too. I've always been like this. I think it's somewhat based on how my parents raised me. My brother and I grew up watching the Discovery channel, History channel, The Learning Channel (before TLC was just reality TV), watching biographies and sports. Not many cartoons. In fact, I don't like cartoons- at all. In order to watch something animated, I usually have to be forced.

Why do I bring this up? I'm thoroughly convinced that more and more people have less and less knowledge. Where are the facts? Why are people so blissfully ignorant? Everyone should know the history of their country, common geography of their country and the world, and other such facts. Yet more and more people have no idea what the answers are to common questions. For example, I am utterly shocked at how many people refer to Africa as a country, not a continent! And sports. I don't even want to start on people who think they know a certain stat but get it all wrong. Or people who call themselves a fan of a specific team and can't name 3 players. Get real! How about Bible knowledge? The Bible says to hide God's Word in your heart. To know it inside and out. Christ followers should know the Bible! It's downright fun to read some of those stories in the Old Testament. And refreshing to be encouraged and challenged by the New Testament. Christians, dig in! LEARN! Gain knowledge!

Anyway, my point is this: you sound dumb if you try to state a "fact" and it's wrong. Do some reading! Do some watching! Learning is fun! And if you don't like it when people spout off random facts, maybe some more learning would do you well. (People sometimes try to make fun of me for knowing random facts and sharing them. I don't apologize for having knowledge. Get over it and go learn it for yourself. Don't try to put down someone else because they know things.) There is no such thing as useless knowledge or useless facts, either. Knowledge is not useless.

"Mankind have a great aversion to intellectual labor; but even supposing knowledge to be easily attainable, more people would be content to be ignorant than would take even a little trouble to acquire it." -Samuel Johnson

This is something that can really fire me up, obviously. So don't be "THAT" person who looks and sounds dumb for not knowing common facts. Arm yourself with knowledge. Knowledge is power. Having power will get you far!

So get some knowledge! Share some knowledge! Make the world a less dumb place!

"Knowledge is power." -Sir Frances Bacon


  1. Did someone make you mad today? ;o) I love knowledge. Wish I could contain it better. I'm horrible w/ holding information. If I don't use it, I lose it. Help! ha!

  2. Not today. And I wouldn't call it mad. Just frustrated that people are so OK with being dumb.

    Use that knowledge! Say random facts out loud at inopportune moments. That's always fun. ;-)
