Monday, August 19, 2013

Almost One Week

I am six days into my new adventure of living overseas for a year. So far, I have fallen into my new routine of teaching English quickly. My coworkers are great, and my students put forth a lot of effort.

Life in America already seems like its waaaay back in the rear view mirror. I have heard my first explosions. I have seen the atrocities that war and conflict have left behind. Evidence of violence just sits on the side of the road. I cannot watch my favorite sports on a regular basis (because of the time difference, even if I could get the internet to cooperate and stream MLB games, it would be at 2 or 3 am here. And that won't work when I have to get up and teach English class most days during the 9 am hour!) The food is different, and my body is still adjusting to the heat and dirt here.

Yet, I'm loving it. Oh, I am well aware that culture shock could start hitting me any old time it pleases. I'm sure at some point very soon, I'll miss the conveniences that life in America holds. But the people are warm and kind. They are weary from the violence that plagues their area. And while the oppressive sun and heat could be interpreted as an uncomfortable (and even deadly) aspect of life in this region of the world, I choose to see it as Light. A symbol of hope and joy and peace. I want to make a difference. I want to BE different. I AM different. I bear Good News. I bear Truth. I bear Peace. I want to teach to the best of my ability. I want my students to grow and learn in so many ways that far surpass English.

Love. Joy. Peace. Patience. Kindness. Goodness. Faithfulness. Gentleness. Self Control.

Thursday, August 1, 2013


I'm horrible at this blogging thing! It's much easier for me to tweet. Micro blogging is apparently more my style. Even so, I will attempt to update this every month or so (at least!) for the next year, as some exciting things will be happening!

At the end of May, I graduated from graduate school! Yay for a shiny new masters degree.
Me with my two best friends at graduation, the Bay and City in the background!

I then drove cross-country from Northern California to Central Florida with another awesome friend! I've spent the summer at home with my family and friend doing fun things and vacationing, enjoying every moment.
A nice photo of my parents, brother and I while vacationing at the beach this summer!

I leave in about a week and a half to start my new job. I'll be moving to another country to teach English and do relief and development work for a year. I'm excited to help others while being adventurous. Several of my passions are combining, and I'm looking forward to what the next year holds! It'll be a learning experience to live in another culture, surrounded by different religions and languages. Hopefully I'll remember to update this blog and keep you all updated! 

Don't forget to check my twitter, too! Lately, my twitter account has been little more than my personal micro sports blog. :-D